Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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The EE-T Project Portal Database

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From this section it is possible to access a Bibliographical Database of Translations of Economic texts related to the history of economic thought. The database provides complete bibliographical data for each of the selected text that may be available in several year editions. Links to the online version of the publications are provided where available.

The Bibliographical database has been developed by the EE-T partner universities.

Please check the Guide to the Use of the Database for further information on how to use the database and how to contribute to it.

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 Found 18 documents

Surname and Name of Author Title Year of publication

Cannan, Edwin

Histoire des théories de la production et de la distribution dans l’économie politique anglaise de 1776 à 1848


Cannan, Edwin

Historia de las teorias de la produccion y distribucion en la economia politica inglesa de 1776 a 1848


Cannan, Edwin

Storia delle teorie della produzione e della distribuzione nell'economia politica inglese dal 1776 al 1848


Cantemir, Dimitrie

Descrierea Moldovei


Cantillon, Richard

Saggio sulla natura del commercio in generale


Cassel, Gustav

Traité d'économie politique


Cassel, Gustav

El problema de la estabilizacion o el medio de lograr un regimen monetario fijo


Cassel, Gustav

Economia social teorica


Cassel, Gustav

Οι θεμελιώδεις αρχές της κοινωνικής οικονομικής / G. Cassel ; πρόλογος Ξ. Ζολώτα, μετάφραση-σημείωμα Μ. Κυπραίου


Cipolla, Carlo M.

Dünya Nüfusunun İktisat Tarihi


Clark, John Bates

Principes d’économique dans leur application aux problèmes modernes de l’industrie et de la politique économique


Clark, John Bates

La distribuzione della ricchezza


Clark, John Maurice

John Bates Clark et John Maurice Clark


Commons, John Roger

I fondamenti giuridici del capitalismo


Conrad, Johannes

Στοιχεία πολιτικής οικονομίας. Κατά μετάφρασην εκ του γερμανικού υπό Β. Σ. Καλκάνη καί Χ. Ν. Αγαλλοπούλου


Conrad, Johannes

Historia de la Economia


Cooper, William Ranson

Αι αξιώσεις της εργασίας και του κεφαλαίου. Υπό W. R. Cooper, εκδότου του Περιοδικού "The Electrician", μετά προλόγου υπό του εντιμοτάτου G. H. Roberts, Επόπτου των τροφίμων και πρώην Υπουργού της Εργασίας


Croce, Benedetto

Aspectos Moraes da Vida Politica



15 September 2013 The EET International Conference

The international conference entitled Translations of Economic Texts into and from European Languages, organized in the framework of the EE-T project, was held at the University of Pisa (Italy) on 11 to 13 September. The aim of the conference was to present the results of researches carried out throughout Europe on the international circulation of economic ideas through translations and adaptations of economic texts. The three days event was attended by around 100 participants representing: lecturers, researchers, students in the field of history of economic thought. More information is available in the Events section