University of Pisa
Name of the person involved in the event:
Marco Guidi, Daniela Giaconi, Antonella Bartoli Leoncini, Monica Lupetti
Date of the event:
21 February 2013 - 23 February 2013
Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair
Description of Dissemination Event:
XII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico 21-23 febbraio 2012 Università di Firenze "I FATTI E IL PENSIERO NELLA STORIA DELL'ECONOMIA" 23rd Feb. SESSION F.1 TRANSLATIONS OF ECONOMIC TEXTS INTO AND FROM EUROPEAN LANGUAGES Chair: Antonio Magliulo Papers: 1. Marco Guidi, "Attori, traduttori, reti: la circolazione dellâeconomia politica in Europa attraverso le traduzioni (XIX - XX secolo)" 2. Daniela Giaconi and Antonella Bartoli Leoncini, "Le traduzioni italiane di Jean-Baptiste Say (1817-1824)" 3. Presentation of the project: "Translations of economic texts into and from European languages"
Target group:
Members of AISPE attending the Conference and other scholars in the floor
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Florence, Italy
Outcomes and Results:
The EE-T Project Portal and its potentials for education and research have been shown.
The Call for Papers for the final conference has been distributed to all attendants
The Brochure of the Project has been distributed to all attendants.
Supporting Documents: