Author, original title and year of 1st edn
Malthus, Thomas Robert
An Essay on the Principle of Population as it effects the future improvement of Society, with remarks on the speculations of Mr. Godwin, Mr. Condorcet and other writers.
London, J. Johnson, 1798
Base edn and year
An Essay on the Principle of Population; or A View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with An Inquiry onto our Prospects respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions. A New Edition, very much enlarged. London, J. Johnson, 1817 (5th edition)
Base of translation
Essai sur le principe de population par Malthus; traduit de l’anglais par MM. P et G. Prevost (de Géneve), précédé d’une introduction, par M. Rossi et d’une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l’auteur, par Charles Comte, avec les notes des traducteurs et de nouvelles notes par M. Joseph Garnier, Paris, Guillaumin, 1845
type of original text
type of translated text
Surname and Name
of Author (in the original language)
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Surname and Name
of Author (in the spelling of translation)
Malthus, Tomás Roberto
Ensayo sobre el principio de la población
Establecimiento literario y tipográfico de Lucas González y Compañía
Text type
Translated selection
Composition of text
Some parts included in the base of translation (French edition, 1845) have been excluded in the Spanish translation:
- Préface, by Jph. G. (Joseph Garnier)
- Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Malthus, by Charles Comte
- Préface ajoutée par l’auteur a sa cinquième édition, by Malthus
- Livre V. Appéndice contenant la réfutation des principales objections et le résumé de cet ouvrage
- Notes finales des traducteurs et de l’editeur
- Table alphabétique et raisonnée des matières continues dans l’Essai sur le principe de population
The Spanish translation starts with the Introduction by Rossi, and the Preface by Malthus to the 2nd edition of the Essay (in the Spanish translation it says by mistake that the preface corresponds to the 10th edition, probably a mistranslation of “deuxième” by “décima”)
Editor’s name(s)
Eusebio María del Valle
Translator’s name(s)
José María Noguera and Joaquín Miguel
Editorial apparatus
Introduction of a scholar different from the editor. Please specify name and title, if any (Introduction by Rossi (pp. vii-xxviii), and Preface by Malthus to the 2nd edition of the Essay (pp. xxix-xxxi), both from the base of translation.)
Original e-publication (URL)