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Resources for Economists (RFE) sponsored by the American Economic Association. This web site lists more than 2.000 resources of interest to academic and practicing economists, and those interested in economics.
Archive for the History of Economic Thought
This archive collects in one place a large number of significant texts in the history of economic thought. I have tried to cast my nets as wide as possible including representative texts of all of the major thinkers and schools of thought; and most of the sub-fields of economics.
Economic History Services
EH.Net provides an on-line location for researchers in economic history to make their data series available to other professionals and interested scholars. Several data series have been given to EH.Net and are available as downloadable files, while many other titles may be accessed through the Database
Economic Research Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
One of the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Over 1.100.000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 1.000.000 can be downloaded in full text. This site is part of a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics.
A comprehensive database with most issues of many different economics journals, among them top journals like the AER or QJE which date back until the late 19th and early 20th century. Probably the number 1 source to get a good first overview of publications in various fields of economics. Restricted Access.
Archive of the NBER
This archive only contains, as the name implies, the publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and as this it does not contain any translations etc., but among those publications are e.g. some classic texts concerning business cycle research by Wesley Mitchell. Restricted Access.
The electronic bibliography of the American Economic Association offers access on the association’s journals and more, thus including the AER, QJE or JoEP. Restricted Access.
Online Library of Liberty
The OLL, a project of the Liberty Fund, contains a fair amount of classic publications by various authors such as Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill or Ludwig von Mises. The database provides mostly English texts, but also translations (e.g. Wicksell’s lectures in German) as PDF facsimiles and HTML texts. Free Access.
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) Archive
One of the largest free-to-use online database for economics texts, contains both working papers and many journals through cooperations with publishers (although PDFs of the file usually aren’t available for free then). Here, too, anyone can submit (e.g. via the MPRA), but journal entries are easy to tell apart from occasional working papers despite the unappealing layout of the website. (Generally) free Access.
This archive contains a comprehensive list of recent journals in various fields of interest, many of which connect economics to other social sciences; among those with a clearer focus on economics are e.g. the Journal of Economic Theory or the European Economic Review. Restricted Access.
AMS Historica. Collezione digitale di opere storiche
AMS Historica is a collection of ancient and rare works of AlmaDL, the digital library of Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna.
The project hosts digital copies of books, journals, maps, drawings which have a scientific, historical and cultural interest, owned by the libraries and archives of the University.
Argo on line library
Argo is an environment facilitating the open access to bibliographical information resources which are available in Greece as well as abroad, with simple, medium and advanced search. It appeals mainly to users of the scientific, research and educational communities, seeking information in different thematic sectors, as well as to librarians, giving them the facility to retrieve and acquire bibliographical records.
Biblioshs - Portail dâinformation scientifique des unités CNRS en Sciences humaines et sociales
Biblioshs is a French database hosted by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). It provides full-text access to present and past issues of academic journals (mainly in English, but also in other European languages) in social science, including the most prominent economic ones. Free access for academic institutions linked to the CNRS. Otherwise, access is restricted to some databases (Persée).
Biblioteca Ayacucho Digital
This bibliographical web collection offers PDF files with all classics of the Ibero-American literature. These texts can also be listened to through a screen reader. Available in Spanish only.
Biblioteca Centrala a Academiei de Studii Economice, Bucuresti
Biblioteca Complutense
The Complutense University signed an agreement with Google (the 1st non-Anglo-Saxon library) in order to digitalise all its collections non subjected to author rights. It is possible to get them through Google Books and also from the University catalogue. Many Spanish economic works (18th to 20th century) are included
Biblioteca Digital Hispánica
The section on economics of the Spanish digital library allows a search of economic texts and books
Biblioteca Digitale Italiana - BDI
The Italian Digital Library project has the purpose to create a national program to promote and coordinate the activities of digitalization of the bibliographical Italian patrimony.
Biblioteca Digitale Toscana
This digital library is connected with the project of the Italian Digital Library and sponsored by Tuscany Regional Government. This digital library includes digital copies of some journals and newspapers.
Biblioteca italiana
Italian digital library. Available from March 2012.
Biblioteca Nacional de España
This is the official web of Spain’s National Library. It has two sections containing digitalised books (among which around one thousand in economics) and newspapers and reviews (among which economic reviews of 18th and 19th centuries): the Biblioteca Hispánica Digital and the Hemeroteca Digital.
Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense. Emeroteca Digitale
One of the larger database of Italian journals and newspapers so far existing. The ED includes to-date 960 periodicals digitalised by various institutions, for a total of ca. 1.500.000 pages.
In 2003 has been awarded as “The Best of Italian History Index”.
Biblioteca Virtual de Patrimonio Bibliográfico
This e-library is a cooperative project between the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the Spanish regions with the aim of diffusing books and manuscripts that are a part of the historical Spanish patrimony.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
A virtual library sponsored by a foundation which gathers a large collection of online books written in Spanish and of Spanish translations of foreign books. It has multiple areas, among which social sciences.
BND – Biblioteca Nacional Digital
The digital library of the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. The digitalization started in 2002 with the aim of bringing out and spreading the Portuguese bibliographical patrimony, according to its cultural and historical value and including newspapers of the 19th century and dictionaries and encyclopaedias from the 17th to the 19th century. At the moment, the digitalized corpus is composed not only by Portuguese titles but also by 19% of French texts, 11% of English texts, 3% of Italian texts and 3% of Spanish texts.
Cairn.info provides full-text papers (downloadable in .pdf) from the main French journals in social sciences, including the latest issues of economic journals such as Les Cahiers dâEconomie Politique, La Revue Economique or LâEconomie Politique. The access to downloadable papers is restricted.
Catalogue of the National Library Service (SBN)
This online catalogue collects all online catalogues of Italian libraries.
The collective SBN catalogue contains: descriptions of documents acquired from SBN libraries starting from the '90s or since single libraries entered the SBN; descriptions "book in hand" of documents of XVI - XX centuries; descriptions obtained from catalogues on paper previous to 1990.
Central Bank Official Web Site
This page of the Turkish Central Bank official web site collects links to books and booklets on the topic of history of economic thought. Only available in Turkish.
Central Library of the Academy of Economic Studies
Users can access electronic scientific literature to databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, ProQuest - Academic Research Library, Oxford Journals etc. In the online catalog can be accessed 178.556 bibliographical references, 28.844 titles, 263 full-text chapters, 1.379 full-text articles from ASE journals and 9.113 abstracts of PHD thesis, all in economic area.
Central University Library of Bucharest Carol I
The databases which can be accessed include full articles and are a result of the ANELIS project. Users have access both to scientific data bases ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor&Francis, ProQuest, Oxford Journals Collection, Cambridge University Press, Thomson ISI etc. and e-books like Cambridge Companions Online, ScienceDirect etc.
Digital Library of Europe
This digital library provides access to millions of works from several domains of interest including literature, history, economy etc. The mission is to translate all materials in 23 languages.
DNB (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)
The national German library allows for a book search through all participating universities. While no online-texts in PDF format or similar are available (this is more of a reference database than an archive), this enables the researcher to quickly check the availability of books in other institutions and to borrow them.
Available in German and in English
Another fairly comprehensive database containing many different journals which you can’t find in JSTOR (although there is some intersection), among them ones relevant for research in the history of economic thought, such as History of Political Economy. Restricted Access.
Enciclopedia y Biblioteca Virtual de las Ciencias Sociales, Económicas y Jurídicas
A free website in which it is possible to find complete texts of dictionaries, books, reviews, doctoral theses, courses, videos and multimedia presentations on Economics, Law and other Social sciences. There is a special section devoted to famous economists, with small biographies (around one thousand).
Filosofia & Storia
The service of the Library of Philosophy and History of the University of Pisa that brings together many open access sources and resources on history and philosophy
The e-book library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. It is ever-growing and it includes above all French texts, but alto texts in other languages.
Google Books
A Google service for finding e-books in PDF and other formats. It also allows to buy or loan books from libraries. If the book is not copyright protected, or the publisher has given permission, it will be possible see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text.
Hathi Trust Digital Library
HathiTrust is an international community of research libraries committed to the long-term curation and availability of the cultural record. Through their common efforts and deep commitment to the public good, the libraries support the teaching and learning activities of the faculty, students or researchers at their home institutions, and the scholarly needs of the broader public as well
Hellenic Academic libraries
This web site provides access to the index of hellenic academic libraries’ collections
Hiper Kitap
The first online library of Turkey where we can find almost 4000 turkish book. Only institutions can buy the membership.
Historical Archive of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Patrimony of unquestionable historical interest which accompanies the cultural and scientific Portuguese activity from the middle of the 20th century up to now. It testifies the way in which strategies and policy of arrangement of this activity developed and how relationships between various public and private organizations dealing with scientific and economic life sprung out and structured both in the national and in the international context. From December 2011 the FCT archive belongs to the national net of archives
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, free access is provided for researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. It contain a fair amount of some classic economics texts which are old enough to be open access/public domain, such as central texts by Böhm-Bawerk or Aftalion. Free Access.
Le jardin aux sentiers qui bifurquent
This site is hosted by Professor Paulette Taïeb, French translator of Adam Smithâs Wealth of Nations (Paris: PUF, 1995). It provides a lot of interesting documents for scholars interested in HET, philosophy and social science, including hardly available texts from French economists like Baudeau, Boisguilbert, Cantillon, Condillac, Dupont de Nemours or Quesnay, just to name a few. It also offers an outstanding comparison of the different French translations of chapter 2, book 1 of Adam Smithâs Wealth of Nation. Texts are available online but not downloadable.
Les Classiques des sciences sociales
Les Classiques des sciences sociales is a free electronic library hosted by the UCAQ (Université du Québec àChicoutimi, Canada), providing more than 4000 full-text books and works (downloadable in .doc, .pdf or .rtf formats). The most important and classic works in social science are available in French language, including writings from economists such as Quesnay, Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes, etc. It is mostly made of works felt into the public domain but also, and increasingly, contemporary works distributed with authorsâ permission.
Library of Romanian Academy
Includes several databases and is trying to keep the complex structure of the files within the catalogs from the Library of Romanian Academy. Now are included aproximately 100.000 recordings. Are included 5 on-line catalogs: OPAC is the main search engine, RAL for periodicals, ORB for special collections, BIB for contemporaneous romanian bibliography and IMG for text-images.
Library of the Hellenic Parliament
The Library of the Hellenic Parliament has digitized an important part of its Collections in order to preserve it from the damages of time. The digitized material is constantly and strategically expanded, in order to include popular research sources, such as the Newspaper and Periodical Collections and the Historical Parliamentary Archives. Rare material is digitized upon users’ demands.
Michio Akama’s Akamac E-text Links
These links contact E-texts relevant to the history of economic thought or social thought. There are 170 authors and other few materials in this page. And it contains not only e-text links, but also brief biographical and reference materials on authors featured. Akamac E-text Links is constantly under construction. New links are added, errors are corrected. Fortunately for his work, many sites put links to this page.
National Library of Greece
Greek National Library's Public Catalogue
National Library of Romania
National Library of Romania will offer access via Digital Library to electronic resources offered by: Journal of National Library, Journal of Book History, Information and Documentation, ABSI-Abstracts in Bibliology and Science of Informing etc.
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Online version of latest version (2008) of the most exhaustive academic dictionary of economics. It contains about 2000 articles, made by more than 1,500 contributors, including 25 Nobel laureates in Economics.
Parliamentary Debates on economic and financial issues
Database with references to debates in Portuguese Parliament related to political economy and economic and financial policies throughout the period 1821-1910.
Portuguese Culture
Digital Library Project undertaken by the National Library of Portugal with the financial support of the Luso-American Development Foundation in order to promote the internationalization of Portuguese culture by making freely available on the Internet English translations of works by Portuguese authors and other works in English that deal with Portugal and aspects of the Portuguese culture.
A social network for sharing, reading and downloading e-books or articles.
An international web site where we can buy the digital version of the books on every academic subject, including business and economics.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy gives free access to detailed articles in English on philosophical topics, authors and schools of thought. On the one hand, it allows to take knowledge of philosophical concepts from the more basic to the more elaborated which interest the historian of economic ideas. On the other hand, each article offers an overview of current debates and of the related literature. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public.
T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization E-Library
T.R. Prime Ministry State Planning Organization E-Library on Social Sciences and Economics. Available both in English and Turkish.
Turkish National Library
This is the web site of the National Library of Turkey also available in English. Ottoman-Turkish Manuscripts and Rare Works are searchable.
Zephyr is a portal, designed to help locating the available books, journals and other material in the catalogues of the Greek
MPRA (Munich Personal RePEc Archive)
This is a database where basically everybody can submit their working papers. Hence, it contains a wide array of different publications and may help in getting an overview of what other researchers are working on, but the missing filter allows for many papers of dubious quality enter the archive as well. Free Access.
SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
A fairly diverse archive for all kinds of publications, mostly working papers etc. As a consequence, publications there are not peer reviewed, and the database will not help with finding classic texts online, but it may give a quick impression and help to get an overview of research activities, also in the field of the history of economic thought, currently going on. Free Access.
The international conference entitled Translations of Economic Texts into and from European Languages, organized in the framework of the EE-T project, was held at the University of Pisa (Italy) on 11 to 13 September. The aim of the conference was to present the results of researches carried out throughout Europe on the international circulation of economic ideas through translations and adaptations of economic texts. The three days event was attended by around 100 participants representing: lecturers, researchers, students in the field of history of economic thought. More information is available in the Events section