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Graz Schumpeter Center, Graz, Austria Graz Schumpeter Centre the Research Centre of the Graz University. It focuses on: analysis of technical progress, structural change, economic growth, income distribution, history of economic thought and development of institutions in the spirit of Joseph A. Schumpeter. The contribution of the Graz Schumpeter Center will focus on: the German translations of Ricardo’s “Principles” and Sraffa’s “Production of Commodities”; the dissemination and the exploitation of the project results in Austria. http://schumpeter-centre.uni-graz.at/
Centre For Economic Theories and Economic Policies - Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria The Centre for Economic Theories and Economic Policies at the biggest and oldest Bulgarian university (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) was created with the aim to popularize different schools of economic thought in Bulgaria. Among its goals are the preparation of study literature, dissemination of translations of early and contemporary economists’ works, the support for academic research in the field of the history of economic thought. The Centre will contribute to the dissemination of the project by exchanging experience and expertise during and after the project and by promoting the information of the project to their network of contacts. http://economy.uni-sofia.bg
Laboratoire d’Économie Dionysien - Université Paris 8, Paris, France The Laboratoire d’Économie Dionysien (LED) joined the EE-T project as associated partner. The LED is a research center in economics located in the north suburb of Paris within the University of Paris 8. LED tackles both theoretical and applied economic problems in fiveareas: Finance and banking; Political Economy and International economics; History of economic thought and economic history; 4 Public Policy; Business administration and performance. They are member of the EE-T project because they fully support its objectives and recognize the importance of the expected project outcomes. As associated partner, the LED contributes to the carrying out of the EET project activities, for example for the analysis of bibliographical material, production of scientific papers, dissemination of project results within the French economic thought experts, the publication and communication of the EET results in academic conferences and journals. http://www.univ-paris8.fr/EA-3391-Laboratoire-d-economie
Cahiers d'Economie Politique, France The Cahiers d’Economie Politique is a French academic biannual journal specialized in history of economic thought. It was created in 1974, and is now the main French journal specialized in history of economic thought. It has published and participated in the main theoretical discussions by paying a particular attention to the historical aspects of economic analysis. Considering that the study of past authors and contemporary debates are complementary, the PPE publish papers on history of economic thought, economic philosophy, or papers overlapping fields of history of economic thought and contemporary economic theory or economic history. The Cahier d’Economie Politique will disseminate information about the results of the projects (features of the database, list of the research paper provided, etc.), by updating the state of advancement of the project: this will be published in the section “Editer” of the journal, where some French translations of economists were published in past issues. http://www.cahiersdecopo.fr/fr/
Center for Research in Terminology and Translation, Lyon, France The CRTT, with more than 60 researchers including over 40 postgraduates, focuses on the field of language engineering. Its programmes include linguistic studies to elaborate tools for computer-assisted multilingual communication, especially in the techno-scientific world. These studies are based on methods which include an epistemological dimension and insist on the linguistic manifestations of knowledge construction. The CRTT will disseminate information on the results of the project to its extensive mailing list and on its website, and will offer subjects for potential doctoral theses on themes related to the project. http://recherche.univ-lyon2.fr/crtt/
Université Pierre Mendès France – Centre de Recherche en Economie de Gremoble, Grenoble, France Pierre Mendès France University is a French University, based in Grenoble, focusing on social sciences. The UPMF belongs to the PRES Université de Grenoble, second French pole in terms of public research after the Ile-de-Franceregion. The UPMF is known with its being a center for innovation, which it bases on the synergy between Teaching, Research and Industry. It also has 200 international groups, thousands of foreign executives and researchers, 4 universities, 500000 inhabitants among whom 60000 students. Contribution of Centre de Recherche en Economie de Grenoble to the EE-T project will be on research and exploitation activities. http://economie.upmf-grenoble.fr/
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, Messolonghi, Greece MOKE is unit that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in Western Greece. Its main focus has to with the transfer of innovation to students, graduate and postgraduate students in the research areas in the region. Moreover it promotes innovative ideas for new enterprises. During its life cycle, MOKE has implemented several seminars and consulting workshops to potential new entrepreneurs and students. Several conferences for promoting innovative ideas have been organized. In the framework of the EE-T project, MOKE will focus on: the exchange of experience and expertise during and after the project, the participation in the dissemination of the project information, the promotion of the information about the project to their network of contacts, the contribution to exploitation and sustainability of the project results, the contribution to the maintenance of the project results in the future. http://www.moke.teimes.gr
Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus, Patra, Greece Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” is a research and technology organization focusing on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies. Particular emphasis is placed on education, by developing and deploying conventional and digital media in education and lifelong learning; publishing printed and electronic educational materials; administrating and managing the Greek Social Network; and supporting the organization and operation of the electronic infrastructure of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and all educational units. They are member of the EE-T network because they intend to realize a positive exchange of experience and expertise and contribute to the maintenance of the project results. http://www.cti.gr
University of Milan, Milan, Italy The University of Milan is one of the top institutions of higher education and research in Italy.The Department of Language Studies and Compared Literature is composed of some 50 members, most of them specialists in English, French or Spanish studies. The Milan research group will help collect, digitalize, compile the relevant bibliographic entries, and study the Italian translations of English economic texts from the 18th to the mid-20th centuries.In addition, the research group will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project results by writing a few research papers, by stimulating a PhD student to orient his/her thesis on a relevant topic for the project, and by making the project known to other scholars or research centres likely to be interested in the project results. http://www.unimi.it
Department of Social, Juridical and Economic System - Sannio University, Sannio, Italy The Department of Social, Juridical and Economic System of the Sannio University develops its own activities in the areas of search coherently with its finalities. The Department promotes: analysis on structures and mechanisms of businesses and services; search activities in order to satisfy the demand expressed by social and productive systems for their development; critical evaluations of legal and social rules; projects in order to drive local and territorial economic development; preparation and implementation of training courses; activation and organization of PhD courses. The Department of Social, Juridical and Economic Systems will contribute to the project by contributing to the production of the database of translations of economic texts as well as in the research activities. http://www.unisannio.it
University Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy University Bocconi, founded in 1902, was the first ltalian university to grant a degree in economics. For a century, University Bocconi has played a leading role in ltaly's social and economic modernization. lt has remained true to its founding values of being a major research university, with democratic values and open to the world, as well as financially and politically independent. Università Bocconi believes that excellence can only be based on a person's academic profile as well as on his or her values and cultural and ethical background. Boccony University will contribute to the dissemination of the EE-T project by hosting seminars related to the project and promoting the research results in courses and lectures http://www.unibocconi.it
Department of Economics and Public Finance G. Prato - University of Turin, Turin, Italy The Faculty of Business and Economics is part of the University of Turin (Italy), founded in 1404. The Faculty celebrated its first centenary in 2006 and it now has 10,000 students, a staff of more than 220 full, associate and assistant professors and offers a wide range of Italian and English taught programmes both at undergraduate and graduate level. Over the years, the Faculty has developed student and faculty exchanges with 77 European Universities under the Erasmus Programme and with more than 30 universities all over the world. They are member of the EE-T network because they fully support the aims and objectives of the project and recognize the strategic importance of the expected project outcomes to improve the current situation at European level in the field of action. http://www.econ.unito.it
Department of Foreign Languages - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy The Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Bologna officially joined the EET project as associated partner. The Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Bologna fully supports the aim and objectives of the project and recognizes its strategic importance. Their contribution includes an exchange and transfer of expertise and know-how as well as a support in the dissemination of the information about the EET project through their network of contacts. http://www.facli.unibo.it/Lingue/default.htm
Department of Humanities - University Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy The Department of Studi Umanistici includes scholars and professor of Linguistics, Italian Studies, Foreign Literatures, Foreign Languages, Archaelogy, Greek Language and Literature, Latin Language and Literature, History of Ancient Greece and Rome, and Pedagogy. The Department of Humanities runs various degree programmes, including Italian Studies, Linguistics, Foreign Languages, Greek and Latin Literature, and History. It also offers a Master’s degree in “Traduzione Letteraria” and PhD in “Studi Umanistici”. Department of Studi Umanistici will allow Prof. Matteo Lefèvre, Research Professor of Spanish Language and Translation, to participate in the activities of the project with researches and translations dealing with the subject of the Programme. In order to develop and promote the Programme, Prof. Lefèvre will periodically report te research results to the Director and the Department Board. Besides, Prof. Lefèvre will assign to his students dissertations about the main subjects of the Programme. http://studifilologici.uniroma2.it/
Gabinete de Historia Economica e Social, Lisboa, Portugal Gabinete de Historia Economica e Social is a Portuguese R&D institution founded in 1975. It is hosted by ISEG – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. This research unit is committed with research in economic and business history of economic thought. The GHES members that participate in this project will contribute to the bibliographical database. The collaboration will include the participation in collective volumes to be edited as a result of the project or in individual papers to be published by project members. http://ghes.iseg.utl.pt/
Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa is a Portuguese public R&D institution founded in 1932 as a centre of pgilological studies. It developed into a research centre in linguistics that expanded its activities and scientific intervention over time. The centre is hosted by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and committed to research and development in the field of linguistics, with a particular emphasis on Portuguese. CLUL members that participate in the project will conduct a linguistic study of economic texts belonging to the Portuguese text corpus. This study will be of a lexicological nature, aiming to trace the presence of specialized terminology in the field of economics, in Portugal http://www.clul.ul.pt/index.php
Center for Economics and Finance - University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Cef.up is a research center in Economics and Finance funded mainly by the Portuguese Fundção para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Cef.up conducts theoretical and applied research in Economics and Finance. It aims at producing high quality scientific research and contributing to the dissemination of economic knowledge and informing the public policy debate. The contribution to the EE-T Project will focus on: the participation in the inventory of research and bibliographical database, the collaboration in the transcription and digitalization processes, the participation in collective volumes to be edited as a result of the project. http://cefup.fep.up.pt
Network of reference in Economics and Public Policies, Catalonia, Spain The Network of Research in Economics and Public Policies (XREPP in its abbreviation in Catalan) was born as an initiative of the Catalonia Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) to link the main researchers in Public Policies of Catalonia’s Universities. The XREPP is a network of research whose main aim is the design and evaluation of Public Policies. In this sense, the network principal objective is the realization of scientific production that informs and gives advice about the elaboration and evaluation of Public Policies. Xrepp will contribute to the dissemination of the projects results and any events announced in the framework of the project throughout its web page. http://www.xrepp.cat
Department of Economics - Universidad Pablo de Olavide , Seville, Spain The Department of Economics is a research oriented Department at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, a public university in Seville. The Department of Economics undertakes to spread the results of the EE-T project. http://www.upo.es/econ/
Universidad de Jaén, Department of Economics, Jaén, Spain The University of Jaén offers a wide range of University degrees according to the requests of society and to the European Higher Education Area. One of the University main objectives is to integrate students into the labour market and support employability in addition to the promotion of entrepreneurship. With around a hundred research groups working, the University of Jaén offers technical services with the most advanced technology to its researchers. Leading scientific knowledge generation in the province, the University plays an essential part in all the Innovation and Technology Centers of its surroundings and in the most important knowledge transfer events. The University of Jaén will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project, publishing on the web page (www.ujaen.es) all the contents according to dissemination of the project results and also news related to project aims. http://www10.ujaen.es/conocenos/departamentos/economia
Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Granada, Granada, Spain The Centre was established in 1934 as the School of Commerce of Granada. In 1970, it was converted into a College of Business Studies and in February 1989 in the current Faculty of Economics and Business. The academic staff consists of more than 278 professors assigned to 25 university departments, who teach in the same and the number of students enrolled in the last academic year exceeds the figure of 7,300. The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Granada will contribute to the project with the dissemination and exploitation of the project results. http://fccee.ugr.es/
Economic Analysis and Political Economy, Seville, Spain This Department takes charge of teaching in economic theory, and its main lines of investigation are focused on history of economic thought, energy economics, economics of transport and public economy. The Department will contribute to the project with the dissemination and exploitation of the project results. http://departamento.us.es/daeep/
Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Department Historia e Instituciones Economicas 1, Madrid, Spain Universidad Complutense de Madrid is a university in Madrid, and one of the oldest universities in the world. In the course of over seven centuries of history, Complutense has made some of the most enduring contributions to Western civilization. According to the annual university rankings conducted by El Mundo, the Complutense University ranks as the topmost university in Spain,[6] with its Schools of Philosophy, Spanish Literature, History, Pharmacy, Optometry, Journalism, Psychology, and Sociology holding the top national rankings. The Department will disseminate and try to exploit the project results, and will exchange its experience and expertise during and after the project. http://www.ucm.es/fundacion
University of Valencia – Department of Economic Analysis, Valencia, Spain The area of Economic History and Institutions is integrated in the Department of Economic Analysis of the University of Valencia. The activities related to EE-T project are useful for preparing courses on History of Economic Thought and History of Modern Economic Analysis The Department will participate in the dissemination of the project information, in the promotion of the information about the project, in the exploitation of the project results, in the maintenance of the project results in the future. http://www.uv.es/anaeco
Department of Economics - Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Founded by Atatürk, Ankara University is the first higher education institution in the Turkish Republic. The establishment of Ankara University represented the substantiation of a different mission beyond obvious reasons, just as the establishment of the Turkish Republic, beyond being just a change in government, is a major social transformation to a system relying on modern science, modern democratic values and institutions. Currently, the University comprises of 14 faculties and it has about 40 vocational programs, 114 undergraduate programs and 110 graduate programs. The contribution of the Ankara University will focus on the research activity. Altuğ Yalçintaş, who is an Assistant Professor of Economics in Ankara University, will contribute to the project with producing one research paper. http://www.ankara.edu.tr
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences - Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Having 239 years of prominent history, a contemporary education environment and an impressive faculty, the vision of the Istanbul Technical University is to be a focal point for pioneering studies in science, technology and arts and humanities on a national and international scale. The curriculum of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences draws on the rich traditions of political analysis, history, philosophy, ethical philosophy, social and political theory but it also incorporates new and alternative approaches in these fields. The contribution of the Istanbul Technical University to the EE-T Project will be on the research activity also producing research papers. http://www.itu.edu.tr
Hacettepe University – Department of Economics, Ankara, Turkey The Department of Economics was founded in 1967 by Professor Osmar Okyar, one of the earliest leading scholars of profession in Turkey. In 1982, the department became a part of newly founded Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Faculty members publish articles in domestic and international journals and participate in domestic and international conferences and congresses. Some faculty members have been granted by the Scientific & Technological Council of Turkey in some research projects. Contribution of Hacettepe University-Department of Economics to the EE-T project will be on exploitation activity. Derya Guler Aydin, who is professor of economics in this faculty, will provide a direct link to the EE-T project portal from her affiliated institutions’ website. http://www.economics.hacettepe.edu.tr/index.html
The international conference entitled Translations of Economic Texts into and from European Languages, organized in the framework of the EE-T project, was held at the University of Pisa (Italy) on 11 to 13 September. The aim of the conference was to present the results of researches carried out throughout Europe on the international circulation of economic ideas through translations and adaptations of economic texts. The three days event was attended by around 100 participants representing: lecturers, researchers, students in the field of history of economic thought. More information is available in the Events section