Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Project Partners

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Name of the organisation: University of Bucharest
Address: Address: Bdul. M. Kogalniceanu, 26-56, sect.5, Bucuresti
Tel: +4031-425.34.45
Fax: +031-425.34.46
Web site:
Name of the contact person: Georgeta Ion
Function: lecturer
Address: Panduri, 90
Tel: +4031-425.34.45
Fax: +4031-425.34.46
E-mail: [email protected]
Type of organisation:
  • University
Fields of action:
  • Universities
The University of Bucharest is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Romania, and enjoys a considerable national and international prestige, acquired over almost 146 years. Its various schools are well known for their activities in all important scientific and academic domains. Its graduates have included many prominent personalities: teachers and researchers at important universities all over the world, members of the Romanian Academy and of similar institutions in other countries, writers, politicians (members of the Romanian parliament, ministers, prime ministers and presidents), diplomats, high-ranking ecclesiastical figures etc.
Within Romania and abroad, the University of Bucharest is generally considered to be the country’s leading educational and research institution. Successive generations of students and teachers have succeeded in establishing it as a point of reference for the whole of Romanian society.
The University of Bucharest offers a variety of courses at all levels of higher education: 22 short-duration programmes, over 60 long-duration programmes, 12 long-duration distance learning programmes, over 100 master’s degree and advanced study programmes, over 50 doctoral programmes, advanced postgraduate programmes, and programmes of professional conversion and perfection. All of these are accredited or authorised by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.

Degrees awarded by the University of Bucharest are recognised in most countries. The University also organises study programmes in co-operation with leading foreign universities; graduates of these programmes receive degrees both from the University of Bucharest and from the partner university.

The University of Bucharest is one of the most important centres of scientific research in the country. There are over 50 institutes, departments and research centres functioning within UB, most of which work in collaboration with similar centres in other countries. During the last years, our institution has repeatedly taken first place in national competitions for research funds. Some of the research centres have been recognised as excellence centres at the European level. Outside Bucharest, the University has research bases at Sinaia, Brăila, Orşova and other pilot centres in various localities in the country.

The University of Bucharest has been and continues to be the initiator of a set of major measures for the reform and development of the higher education system, which have been successfully adopted by other universities in the country, and in some cases have led to the elaboration of new laws and national regulations. In 2000, the University of Bucharest has received the Diploma of Excellence offered by the Ministry of Education.
Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Validation of Informal and Non-formal Psycho-pedagogical competencies of adult educators
European Social Fund – Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Designing, implementation and conduct of an inter-regional and transnational continuing education system for creating entrepreneurial competences
European Social Fund – Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Pilot project for promoting and development of pertenerships between universities, enterprises and other institutions for facilitating the tranzition from the eductional system to active life”
LLP - Erasmus Network Quality placement network. A model for quality of transnational student placement in enterprises
FSE POSDRU Proiect POSDRU pilot pentru promovarea şi dezvoltarea parteneriatului între universităţi, întreprinderi şi alte instituţii în vederea facilitării tranziţiei de la sistemul de educaţie la viaţa activă, proiect Fonduri Structurale, Axa / 22 / 2.1 / G / 766 / 2009
FP7 Cities and Science Communication: innovative approache to engaging the public – FP7 – Science in Society 2008 –1
FSE POSDRU Contract nr. POSDRU/2/1.2/S/2 privind “Dezvoltarea unui sistem operaţional al calificărilor din învăţământul superior din România”
FSE POSDRU EDU ANTREPRENOR, “Proiectarea, implementarea şi derularea unui sistem de formare continuă, inter-regional şi transnaţional pentru obţinerea competenţelor antreprenoriale, RO_POSDRU / 9 / 3.1 / S / 9, ID_85/2008
FSE POSDRU Ştiinţe socio-umane si politice aplicative. Program de pregătire postdoctorala si burse postdoctorale de cercetare in domeniul ştiinţelor socio-umane si politice
LLP - Erasmus Network Lifelong Learning Q-Planet “Quality placement network. A model for quality of trans-national student placements in enterprise ”, nr. 142308 – LLP – 1 – 2008 – 1 – D – ERASMUS - ECUE
FSE POSDRU Improving the conditions for investments in order to foster polycentric development by leveraging local Public Administrations unexploited real estate - POLYINVEST
FSE POSDRU Îmbunătăţirea managementului universitar
LLP - Erasmus Network Creating a Business in the Digital Age – Developping Entrepreneurship competencies for young European through eMentorship – CReBUS, 511822 – LLP – 1 – 2010 – RO – KA3 – KA3MP
EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE OF THE ORGANIZATION IN THE PROJECT’S SUBJECT AREA Department of Education ( hosts researchers within the field of learning, didactics, pedagogy, ICT, staff development, educational management and evaluation.

The major research fields and activities are:
  • Research on Quality management , competence development of teachers, methodical and didactical conceptualization of learning
  • Sharing teaching knowledge and experience by exchanging good practices projects
  • ICT related with education
Department of Education also serves as an expert organization in the field of learning, evaluation and educational management for national and international bodies. The department has a wide experience in elaborating educational materials, guides, or on-line resources.

The Faculty of Administration and Business is based on developing study programs which consist of three main domains, such as: Public Administration, Business Administration and Marketing. The teaching activity is focused on understanding the economic schools and theory in order to develop the practical competences for entrepreneurship and labour market. The Faculty of Business and Administration has established the Center for Reference and Information on Practical Placement and Entrepreneurship (CRIPpE). CRIPpE is an institutional structure of the University of Bucharest which proposes:
  • to develop the practical placement system;
  • to support the students in their training and career development;
  • to promote programs that extend the acces on the labour market;
  • to offer consultancy and initiate applied researches in the area of the professional insertion on the labor market and entrepreneurship;
  • to support the development process of the interaction between the academic and business environment.

At the Faculty of Administration and Business are found in the curricula many economic disciplines, also History of Economics, in the first year of studies. Topics are structured on different periods of time, on different authors, schools and economic doctrines. The students can discover ideas and valuable theories of some personalities in different historical periods and geographical areas with their typical elements, stimulating the creativity and being able to understand better the way of functioning of the mechanism of market economy.
CONTRIBUTIONS THAT CAN BE PROVIDED TO THE PROJECT The department of Education could provide expertise in design and implementation of educational materials. Dissemination of results could also be an interest activity. The Faculty of Administration and Business could improve the course of History of Economics which is part of the student’s curricula in the first year of undergraduate studies. We could add a link to our WEB site of Faculty of Administration and Business to enhance the visibility of participating at this project.
REASONS OF INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROJECT Provide to the students and the academic community an actual and useful instrument in order to create knowledge between research, postgraduate education and innovation. Improve the theoretical and practical background in the economical field. We also expect to enhance the intercultural projection of our institution at European Level and to establish an interdisciplinary collaboration between different field of knowledge involeved in the project.
CONTACT PERSON’S EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE Georgeta Ion is professor lecturer Department of Education. PhD in Educational Sciences and Master Degree in Evaluation and Educational Management. Her areas of expertize are: teacher training, students evaluation, sociology of education. She is currently associated professor at Department of Education – Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is involved in several projects as: Validation of Informal and Non-formal Psycho-pedagogical competencies of adult educators is one of the most relevant. She is involved in elaboration of wide variety of didactic materials as: Handbook for the use of Validpack for the validation of psycho-pedagogical adult educator's competences, Guide for the quality assurance in HE, Educational management (on-line course) and scientific papers.


15 September 2013 The EET International Conference

The international conference entitled Translations of Economic Texts into and from European Languages, organized in the framework of the EE-T project, was held at the University of Pisa (Italy) on 11 to 13 September. The aim of the conference was to present the results of researches carried out throughout Europe on the international circulation of economic ideas through translations and adaptations of economic texts. The three days event was attended by around 100 participants representing: lecturers, researchers, students in the field of history of economic thought. More information is available in the Events section