Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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The EE-T Project Portal Database

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From this section it is possible to access a Bibliographical Database of Translations of Economic texts related to the history of economic thought. The database provides complete bibliographical data for each of the selected text that may be available in several year editions. Links to the online version of the publications are provided where available.

The Bibliographical database has been developed by the EE-T partner universities.

Please check the Guide to the Use of the Database for further information on how to use the database and how to contribute to it.

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 Found 21 documents

Surname and Name of Author Title Year of publication

Barone, Enrico

Grundzüge der theoretischen Nationalökonomie


Barone, Enrico

Principios de economia politica


Barone, Enrico

Principios de economia politica


Bastable, Charles Francis

La théorie du commerce international


Bastiat, Frédéric

Armonie economiche


Bastiat, Frédéric



Baudeau, Nicolas

Avviso al popolo sul bisogno suo primario o sia Trattato sulla totale, e perfetta liberta nel commercio de' grani


Baudeau, Nicolas

Il Tableau économique di François Quesnay spiegato dall'abate Nicolas Baudeau


Baumol, William J.,

Εισαγωγή εις την δυναμικήν οικονομικήν ανάλυσιν. Economic dynamics, an introduction. Μετάφρασις Ι.Ταλαρούγκα


Beaud, Michel

Η ιστορία του Καπιταλισμού, 1500-1981


Benham, Frederic Charles Courtenay

Curso superior de economia


Bentham, Jeremy

Un frammento sul governo


Bernstein, Eduard

H απεργία. Ο χαρακτήρ και αι συνέπειαι της


Blaug, Mark

Teoria economica in retrospectiva


Bodin, Jean

I sei libri dello stato


Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von

Histoire critique des théories de l'intérêt du capital


Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen von

Capital e interes : historia y critica de las teorias sobre el interes


Bowles, Samuel Edwards, Richard

Κατανοώντας τον Καπιταλισμό. Ανταγωνισμός, Εντολή και Μεταβολή στην Οικονομία των Η.Π.Α.


Bowles, Samuel Edwards, Richard

Κατανοώντας τον Καπιταλισμό. Ανταγωνισμός, Εντολή και Μεταβολή στην Οικονομία των Η.Π.Α.


Brants, Victor

La piccola industria contemporanea, traduzione dal francese per cura dell'arc. Pietro Martinelli, con prefazione del prof. G. Toniolo.


Brants, Victor

Las grandes lineas de la Economia Politica



15 September 2013 The EET International Conference

The international conference entitled Translations of Economic Texts into and from European Languages, organized in the framework of the EE-T project, was held at the University of Pisa (Italy) on 11 to 13 September. The aim of the conference was to present the results of researches carried out throughout Europe on the international circulation of economic ideas through translations and adaptations of economic texts. The three days event was attended by around 100 participants representing: lecturers, researchers, students in the field of history of economic thought. More information is available in the Events section